DISC Assessment
DISC is a universal behavioral model that goes over four separate factors. The four components of DISC, Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance, create a “behavioral makeup” unique to every individual.
Put simply: the DISC assessment measures how a person does what they do. It creates a language around observable behavior.

The DISC Model Uncovers Insight Into the “How” Behind Your “Why”
Taking and understanding a DISC assessment helps people:
- Minimize unnecessary conflict
- Increase productivity and engagement
- Enhance communication
- Maximize their strengths
- Develop self-awareness

DISC is a Neutral Language
- There are no right or wrong styles
- All styles can be successful leaders and teammates.
- Every style has strengths that can be leveraged.
- Every style when “overextended” has limitations and behaviors and can be frustrating to others.
- All styles can adapt to be more effective.
Bill J. Bonnstetter and Don Cipriano Interview Pete Marston (Son of William Moulton Marston)
William Marston and the DISC Theory
William Moulton Marston (1893 – 1947), received his Ph.D. from Harvard and spent most of his adult life as a teaching and consulting psychologist. A prolific writer, Marston was a contributor to the American Journal of Psychology, The Encyclopedia Britannica, The Encyclopedia of Psychology, in addition to authoring and co-authoring five books.
Marston is best known for his success with the lie detector. In his book, “The Lie Detector”, published in 1938, he documented the theory and use of the tool. Today, lie detectors are used worldwide by law enforcement officials.
Most people are unaware this eminent psychologist was the originator, writer and producer of “Wonder Woman”. This comic strip provided a strong female role model and with the “Lasso of Truth”, villains were compelled to tell the truth.
In 1928 he published, “Emotions of Normal People”, in which he described the DISC theory we still use today in behavioral research. Marston described four categories of human response. Dominance, the drive to overcome opposing forces perceived inferior to the strength of self; Influence (Marston used the term inducement), the attempt to ally forces to ourselves through persuasive means; Steadiness (Marston used the term submission), the acquiescence of the self to a perceived allied force; and Compliance, the subordination of the self to a hostile force of superior strength.
Today, almost 100 years after its publication, Marston’s work has been enhanced by continuous behavioral research. The importance of his contribution in identifying four distinct categories and the measurement of the strength of this response in the explanation of human behavior has remained undiminished.